Battle-tested managed Keycloak - Up to 99.95% - availability SLA Legacy
Uptime is calculated by dividing the total time the services are operational in a given month by the total time, including both operational and non-operational periods (uptime plus downtime) for that month. The resulting percentage is a key metric used to measure the reliability and performance of the services on a monthly basis.
The determination of uptime is contingent upon the support level chosen by the Client. For specific details and corresponding uptime commitments associated with each support level, please refer to the table outlined below, titled "Uptime Service Level Agreement by Support Level."
The Response Time for incidents is contingent upon the severity of the incident. (Business hours are expressed in French business hours. i.e: Paris, France timezone)
The Resolution Time for incidents is contingent upon the severity of the incident. (Business hours are expressed in French business hours. i.e: Paris, France timezone)
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